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Dates and times are subject to change.  Check back often to stay current.

Want to make a difference?

Reducing our (human) carbon footprints is on the minds of many Americans.  LPRI is reducing its paper consumption by going digital.  Get your quarterly newsletters, correspondence, and special notices delivered directly to your Inbox. As a subscribed member, you will have access to the entire document vault and neighborhood watch rosters.  Your member information will be stored on a secure server behind a firewall and used only for the purpose of LPRI business matters.


The more we connect and communicate with one another, the safer our community  becomes.


Public Water
Coming to Lake Park

October 18, 2023 --

According to the County Mayor's Notes, a digital newsletter published by Cumberland County Mayor Allen Foster, the county received a federal grant through TDEC from the America Rescue Plan Fund to be allocated for water line extension from Newton Road into Lake Park Subdivision. ​​​


UPDATE: September 15, 2024 --

Rye Engineering PLC has completed their survey and easements have been established and marked within the park.

UPDATE: June 15, 2024 --

South Cumberland Utility District has hired Rye Engineering PLC to do water line extension plans for some areas in the SCUD’s service area. The extent of this project includes the roads listed below in the Lake Park community.  We are in possession of right-of-way information for these roads:

  • Diane Circle

  • Morgan Circle

  • Sharon Circle

  • Owenby Drive

  • Walker Drive

Rye logo_edited.png

Park Development Proposal


October 01, 2024 --

LPRI Board of Directors is currently in negotiations with a local property developer regarding the purchase of the remaining corporately-owned properties within the park and develop them into middle-income homes.  There are currently two model home plans to choose from as well as the ability to build custom homes.  The developer has a lifetime love of the area as he grew up in middle Tennessee, and he's uniquely qualified to address our growing pains.  Among the topics of conversation have been the roads, utilities, recreational areas, walking paths, and wildlife habitats, as well as the overall health of our lakes and dams, which translates into increased property values for everyone.

Community Resources


December 1, 2023-

Besides our Lake Park Facebook page, there is also a Midway Community group page on Facebook that is free to join.  It encompasses not only Lake Park but the entire Newton/Flynn's Cove Road community as well.  It is an excellent source of current local news and updates such as:

  • Local weather and road conditions

  • Area missing or found people/pets/livestock

  • Community benefits, events, yard sales, etc.

  • Area emergency  preparedness notifications

  • General election information i.e. dates/time/location

Have an event to share or a news item of interest? Send it to our email address or post it to the Lake Park Facebook page.

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